
Our mission

Connect your world!

Every day, we connect you to the world, to your loved ones, to entertainment, culture, news and work. As an Internet provider, we have a responsibility to maintain the link between you and your world, while ensuring that we offer you the best technologies.

More than just an Internet connection, we offer you access to a wide range of quality television content, thanks in particular to partners such as Sky, BeTV, etc. We were the pioneers of cable television in Luxembourg and today we offer it to you on your television set and on all your screens here and throughout Europe.

Eltrona in short

icone de la liste

A telecom pioneer in Luxembourg since 1969

icone de la liste

85% of households eligible for ultra-fast Internet (1Gbit/s)

icone de la liste

An offering designed to meet everyone’s needs

icone de la liste

150 employees committed to connecting you to the world

icone de la liste

The only alternative network in the country offering the best performance

Our history

We adapt to your needs over time

As a pioneer in telecommunications since our creation in 1969, we have always been committed to supporting Luxembourg households. We are constantly adapting our services to your habits so that you can watch your favourite TV programmes, be closer to your loved ones thanks to fixed and mobile telephony or connect to your world thanks to our ultra-fast Internet.

With our combined fibre and coaxial internet network, we’re the ideal partner to offer you the best performance with connection speeds of up to 1Gbit/s. We’re not just technology experts, we’re enthusiasts who put our customers at the centre of our thinking so that we can offer them a service that lives up to their expectations! 


Creation of Eltrona Interdiffusion by Mr Henri Denzle as a cable operator


Launch of digital TV


Launch of high-definition TV


Launch of Internet offers


Diversification of the offering with the launch of the mobile range on the Post network


Takeover of the activities of SFR and Coditel (Telenet)


Launch of TV+, the new interactive TV


Takeover of Eltrona by the Telenet Group